A Birthday Without Kpokpority
When guys kpokpo me and my immediate interests I kpokpo them. Kpokpority is most egalitarian in its manifestation, everyone encounters it sometimes. Never call me a pacifist because kpokpority we must tackle when it comes and sometimes, we embrace it. Who wan wound? Injury also is most egalitarian in its distribution. In such matters you need caution and acuity for if you play you wound [seriously sometimes]. Therefore, be bold and circumspect in situations of kpokpority. Or you will neither like its unfolding or its outcome.
Personally, birthdays are a time of reflection. It is a time to suck breast metaphorically. I have learnt the art of breastology from a great man. May I live as long as he has and is continuing to.
Just before my birthday i.e. yesterday I waded into too situations of kpokpority. The first kpokpority was a mix of malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance within a fraternity I am formally no longer a member but spiritually I share in its eschatology. I never left. Therefore, I cannot sit by and watch the fraternity implode on a platter of folly dished out by Elders to foster the ascendancy of their pet peeves over the majority’s peeves within the fraternity. When we have majority versus pet, the young versus the elderly, the moral versus the amoral, the open versus the hidden, respectively. Who wins? The odds favour the former. It is common sense.
A young moral and open majority are hard to repress, if not today then not long after. Since these Elders are feeble practitioners of the Godfather Trilogy sensibilities, I offer them a quote from Michael Corleone when Joey Saza almost assassinated him. “I respect what he’s done. The new overthrows the old, it’s natural.” The natural is inevitable. Rules, laws, announcements, frauds, lies, threats, and cunning, never stops the natural from happening. Not for long especially when things become senseless and archaic.
Wise Elders should understand the natural. Wrinkling faces, atrophying muscles, creaking joints, dying penises and pulling teeth cannot match the bounties of the young. The weakest preservation Elders can attempt is to pull younger ones into their ranks for support. No wonder they produce folly rather than wisdom. A constituted quorum of justice morphs into a coven of vindictiveness.
I wait for the natural to happen. It will happen in accordance with the both the laws of nature and flow of the times. Otherwise, the Elders can squander their resistances for nothingness. Sekpepebe!
The second kpokpority is the absence of kpokpority on this day. Acheless, painlesss, conflictless and worrylessness. One peeve though minor is that a service provider did not turn up on time. I just cancelled the job. I was in no mood for thin excuses and apologies whatsoever.
Hard to imagine is that a lack of troubling events of any kind can be troublesome. We live in a world where trouble often visits people from within and without often unexpectedly. In some cases, the emergence of trouble was simply waiting to happen. Jousting with trouble is a skill I admire. Some dread it, others love it. I don’t runaway from it. Yet, today trouble has refused to joust with me. That tells me something.
I have been practicing the art of inner peace for sometime now. Finally, it is working. Peace within is equal to peace without. That does not mean the disappearance of trouble forever. My birthdays have been choice days for enemy action against me. As a result, I am most martial on my day of birth, waiting. Not this time though.
For two decades now I play Fela’s music all day on my birthday. This time around I decided to play the music of Jabig all day – jazzy, funky, soulful and African beats too. The different Jabig albums were exhilarating in sum of their cumulative successions.
I had no birthday visitors but a few worthy, warm, and wopicious phone calls from people who have consistently proven genuine over the years. I also got a card which I value much from a lady and a cool gift of booze from a rising young guy. Most people I know wished me happy birthday very well via Facebook. The world is now an A.I. reality.
All in all, I had a very good day for a birthday. Only sexual activity was missing. Guynes!
Be Good, not Lucky.
Grimot Nane
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