“Accept Your Loss and Move On” – The Eighth Rudder Blade Expellers and the expelled from groups or organisations often delude themselves one cannot survive without them. This article seeks to debunk such false illusions.
The Lure of Collecting Jazz Albums
The Lure of Collecting Jazz Albums I am often asked by newer jazz fans for advice on collecting good or classic jazz records. My answer; “only you can decide what a classic is“ and “it…
What Is Academic Jazz, Does It matter?
What Is Academic Jazz, Does It matter? “Academic jazz” is a phrase that startles me. What does it mean? Today, jazz music, jazz dance and jazz poetry are mainstream academic subjects. Libraries of books on…
Ayo Odebisi’s Embrace: Words of Henry Miller
Ayo Odebisi’s Embrace: Words of Henry Miller Ayo Odebisi, also known as Paramole, would have turned sixty-five on Wednesday, 28th of April. He was not a man you could forget. The aura he projected on…
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Mufugbenous and Mufugbeneity Means?
Celebrating Cap’n Blood’s Birthday with Him
Celebrating Cap’n Blood’s Birthday with Him Yesterday, as I was making octopus pepper soup, I had a sip of seaweed kinkana, a mild alcoholic spirit. Paramole had given me the recipe to make the still…
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