Yankius on Nigeria’s Looming Collapse Deadly Cuts: O Pally, I am so scared for Nigeria at the moment. It is more than tragic what is…
A Death In A Dream I had a dream last night that I had died while dreaming. My dream began by wooing me into a…
Yankius: You have human rights in Nigeria only if you have a lot of money and can beg very well. And that may not even save you. And do not forget, Nigeria has…
Yankius on $16 billion for Electricity Tafia Hallelujah: Yankikpuzi! Way say you now! Yankius: Any time you come around here, I know you have a…
Oppression: Some Questions Knowing that one is living with oppression is a blessing whenever it decides to come. Not knowing it is a curse that…
Oppression: A Nigerian Youth Metaphor “Those who have come to know and trust death embrace it with love. It is the very foundation of freedom. Oppressors love…