Failed Mutiny at Subsea Lapotidunity in Davy Jones Locker is a melcine that cures or keeps away the worst kinds of illnesses. The illnesses of the soul and mind. There is not much the solitary mind punished for independence of thought can do to be merry without goscolene, meditation, song,…
Tag: mutiny
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Ise! Mutiny
Ise! Mutiny Closer to the gift of the mother, Revolution is mutiny further, The movement shall anchor all followers, The mutineer the agent and backer. Misrule so crooked propaganda, The system sent off to expire, Spent patrons in hideouts retire, The lighter of fires is nearer. For the fresher stronger…
Short Stories
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Yet Another Birthday With Cap’n Blood
Yet Another Birthday With Cap’n Blood A rugged tale of yet another surprise yet memorable birthday with Cap’n Bloood in Davy Jones Locker. He comes bearing rum. Wednesday 13th of July, 2022, in a cold secluded place sailors dread… I am deep in thought and all my sensory capabilities are…