Do The Urhobos Need Saviours or Leaders?
Do The Urhobos Need Saviours or Leaders? At the moment the Urhobo nation is both essentially saviourless and leaderless, forget the ethnic bosses. Chiefs Mukoro Mowoe, Michael Ibru, David Ejoor,…
Do The Urhobos Need Saviours or Leaders? At the moment the Urhobo nation is both essentially saviourless and leaderless, forget the ethnic bosses. Chiefs Mukoro Mowoe, Michael Ibru, David Ejoor,…
The Urhobos Do Come Last – Mostly in Politics As ridiculous as it may sound, if Anioma were to be granted a State today, the new capital of Delta State…
Urhobos Once Spoke Great Part I I am Enemuadia, a young male eghele and wrestler, at home with my father, Bamon. His real name is Agbaimoni but no one calls…