Botswana: An African Model for Progress - A Replay

Botswana: An African Model for Progress – A Replay

Botswana, a prosperous African nation (population: 2 million), is a place I worked a long time ago. It fits very well with one of Mancur Olson’s most explicit thoughts on the conditions of economic growth and prosperity of a nation.  (a) Having a small population and (b) that population being homogeneous. It is a development on Olson’s Logic Collective Action in which the smaller the group (numerically) and the more they have compatible shared interests (shared incentives). This state of affairs should minimise or eliminate free-riding (getting something for nothing). Thus, the better the economy will perform. Multi-ethnic societies like Nigeria (250 ethnic groups at least in 6 distinct geopolitical zones) with a large population (at least 160 million) can never emulate Botswana, according to Olson’s logic and I agree. However, there are alternative views on the subject of economic development and growth. Take a look at China and Indonesia.

Notwithstanding, Botswana is a great place and has a very responsive democracy. The people do have a voice the governemnt listens. That is good enough for me. But it is neither perfect nor industrialised and suffers some issue common to the African continent. Thumbs up to Botswana.

Grimot Nane

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