Wikileaks Leaks – So Very Ordinary?

Wikileaks Leaks – So Very Ordinary?

If Wikileaks has leaked nothing of the confidential and classified information relating to the workings, conditions and decisions of the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. Nothing of exploitation-driven genocides in the Third World. Nor the arms trade, genetically modified foods, corruption. Nor regime change, insurgency sponsorship et al, then it has said nothing of significant importance. That is, not to anyone who understands history, international relations and human nature. So where is the extraordinary news from the leaks?

Since when did powerful princes stop being haughty or stop dreaming of jurisdictional expansion?

When did weaker kingdoms stop seeking the alliance of more powerful empires to crush their troublesome neighbours?

Do ministers of government ever stop complaining about their frustrations to their counterparts in other governments and vice versa?

Since when did the senior officials of one government stop talking ill of the head and officials of a rival government as a means of self-justification?

The questions of ordinariness (and even the canny predictability) of the Wikileaks leaks are endless. An absence of bad guys, just silly or careless guys. It is without real evils or crimes just suggestions and intentions. No destruction or arm-bending just condemnations or immorality. Lacking is the use of incisive economic weaponry or ruthless political timing just best and second-best imperial options, not taken. It all seems very cool, tame, uni-dimensional, and interest-centric. Regardless of the mass sensation, notoriety and “apparent anger” the leaks elicit. Is something more coming?

The “backlash” of the leaks (unless the revelations produce concrete self-defending transparency capacities for Wikileaks and other leaks) looks more significant than the revelations themselves. Such is analogous to the “controversy” or “event” about rights that end up irreparably obliterating the capacity to promote and defend the rights. The endpoint of the unfolding nature and scope of the leaks so far is something an “informed betting man” would put his house on. Well, in terms of accurate linear “I told you so” expectations. Other websites and internet providers have been banned in the past, I wonder why.

All that said, perhaps Wikileaks is getting there with innovative tactics and ingenious time-management. It may eventually tell the world stuff it would have never known or confirm facts that we cannot confirm by traditional or regular means, otherwise. Or…


Grimot Nane

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